Collection: For the Savvy Sawer

When it comes to woodworking saws and accessories, we know that quality and durability are essential. We stand by the brands we offer because they deliver the best results time and time again.

7 of 78 products
Price_$1000 to $2000 Price:$1000 to $2000 Clear all
Festool Sliding Compound Miter Saw Kapex KS 120 REB
Festool Sliding Compound Miter Saw Kapex KS 120 REB
$ 1,699
Laguna 14|12 Band Saw 1.75hp, 1PH, 115/230V
Laguna 14|12 Band Saw 1.75hp, 1PH, 115/230V
Sale price
$ 1,439.10
List price
$ 1,599
Laguna F2 Fusion Table Saw 36"
Laguna F2 Fusion Table Saw 36"
Sale price
$ 1,619.10
List price
$ 1,799
SawStop 15A, 120v Jobsite Saw PRO w/ Mobile Cart Assembly
SawStop 15A, 120v Jobsite Saw PRO w/ Mobile Cart Assembly
$ 1,599
Front View Laguna 14|bx Solid One Piece Frame
Laguna 14|BX Band Saw 1.75hp, 1PH, 110V
Sale price
$ 1,799.10
List price
$ 1,999
Festool Plunge-Cut Saw with Scoring Function TSV 60 KEB-F-Plus-FS (With 75" Guide Rail)
Festool Plunge-Cut Saw with Scoring Function TSV 60 KEB-F-Plus-FS (With 75" Guide Rail)
$ 1,175
JET Black 14" Band Saw with Performance Coating 1.75hp, 1PH, 115/230V
JET Black 14" Band Saw with Performance Coating 1.75hp, 1PH, 115/230V
Sale price
$ 1,439.99
List price
$ 1,599.99