Collection: All Professional Machinery

OakTree Supply, Inc., is northern Indiana's premier industrial woodworking machinery supplier. Whether you are an established business or you are just beginning to set up shop, we can help you find the machinery, tools and supplies that will increase your production speed and quality while saving you time and money. If you're not sure where to start or don't see what you need, give us a call or send an email to and we would be happy to help! 

3 of 390 products
Price_$500 to $1000 Price:$500 to $1000 Clear all
SawStop 30" In-Line Cast Iron Router Table for ICS
SawStop 30" In-Line Cast Iron Router Table for ICS
$ 925
Cantek ST95B - Stationary Worktable Set
Cantek ST95B - Stationary Worktable Set
$ 976.50
Festool Edge Bander Trimmer Set KB-KA 65
Festool Edge Bander Trimmer Set KB-KA 65
$ 569