Collection: SuperMax

2 of 33 products
Price_$10 to $25 Price:$10 to $25 Clear all
Supermax Disposable Outer Filter For Air Filtration System
Supermax Disposable Outer Filter For Air Filtration System
$ 20
SuperMax Drum Sander Abrasive Wraps - Individual
SuperMax Drum Sander Abrasive Wraps - Individual
$ 17.50

Acquired by Laguna Tools in 2017, the SuperMax line boasts highly impressive drum sanders, abrasive wraps, and accessories. Features of SuperMax Drum Sanders include infinitely adjustable conveyor feed rates, self-cooling drum, and patented self-tightening abrasive attachment system.

When acquiring SuperMax, founder and CEO of Laguna, Torben Helshoj, stated, "SuperMax’s Brush and Drum Sanders are best-in-class and we look forward to offering customers our complete line of superior woodworking equipment. We have long wished to offer a broader range of sanding products. SuperMax is clearly the leader in this field and we believe together, we can offer customers new and innovative products."